Chartered Accountants



Bajaj and Arora Co. is the place where you can trust the partner to take a total talent approach toward anticipating and managing your workforce needs. We have the resources and expertise to provide solutions that can drive the right outcomes for your organization and enhance your competitive advantage.

One of the most exciting benefits of using temporary staffing comes from the cost savings you’ll receive, which come in many forms. Your fixed payroll costs will definitely be reduced. You won’t have to provide benefits such as workers’ comp, vacation days, retirement security, or health insurance to temp workers. You also won’t have to dish out as much cash on overtime pay if you use temp workers when you’re short on staff.


Did you know that you can hire your temp workers? If a temporary employee really stands out and is a great asset to your team, you may be able to hire them on full time. Being able to test out employees ahead of time, to see their skills in action and to see how they work within your existing team, can significantly reduce your hiring risks. You can build the strongest team possible when you use temporary staffing as a means of hiring permanent workers.

You know that happy employees are productive employees. If you’re overworking your current workforce, morale will dip, customer service will suffer, employees will be less loyal and less engaged, and you’ll probably face a higher turnover. Temporary workers can take the stress and pressure off of the shoulders of your current workers. Instead of overworking and overburdening your employees, you can give them the helping hands they need. When your employees are happier, your entire organization benefits. And this is worth a lot.


Some employers find it advantageous to recruit highly skilled temporary workers to determine if they're suitable for a job. If an employee is a good match, a hiring manager can advertise the job and hire that person a permanent position or offer the position directly. Also, temporary positions offer a way to attract talent when an organization is waiting on funding, such as a non-profit waiting for federal grant funds to be received. Our team consists of CAs, CIAs, CS, CWAs, MBAs, & Engineers.


Short term coverage when you need it – need coverage for vacation relief or sick leave? Temporary staffing provides a viable solution for short term coverage for when you require it.

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